
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Ale? ?rni?” ,找到相关结果约825条。
Social and cultural aspects of vegetarianism and its perceptions
Ale? ?rni
Dru?boslovne Razprave , 2012,
Abstract: The article describes the basic characteristics of vegetarianism and presents the results of an empirical survey conducted on a representative sample of adult inhabitants of the two biggest cities in Slovenia, Ljubljana and Maribor. The main findings include an evaluation of the extent of the researched phenomenon, who and why decides to become a vegetarian and a detailed analysis of perceptions of vegetarianism and veganism among the general population. Special attention is paid to various socio-cultural factors from which the social class structure of Slovenian vegetarians can be estimated, as well as the social distribution of the perception of vegetarianism among Slovenians.
Hare Kristos: comparison between religiosity of adherents to Krishna Consiousness Community and Catholics
rni, Ale
- , 2007,
Abstract: Sa?etak The article analyses the differences in intensity of religious practices of Slovenian adherents to Hare Krishna and Catholics. Furthermore, it measures their influence on everyday life of believers. It uses the data of the first systematic case study research of any new religious movement in Slovenia and compares them with some results of international surveys Aufbruch 1997 and ISSP 1998. The findings prove that Krishna adherents are considerably more active in their religious activities than Catholics and quite orthodox when it comes to applying religious rules in everyday life. But contrary to popular belief, it does not lead to noticeable shutting off or isolation of the Krishna community from the society, nor to higher than average conservatism of its members
Hare Kristos: usporedba religioznosti sljedbenika Zajednice za svjesnost Kri?ne i katolika
rni, Ale
- , 2007,
Abstract: Sa?etak SA?ETAK U ?lanku su analizirane razlike u intenzitetu vjerske prakse slovenskih sljedbenika pokreta Hare Kri?na i katolika, zatim je provjeren utjecaj tih razlika na svakodnevni ?ivot sljedbenika Kri?ne i katolika te njihov odnos prema dru?tvu. U analizi su kori?teni podaci prve sustavne sociolo?ke analize nekog novog religijskog pokreta u Sloveniji koji su uspore?eni s podacima ispitivanja javnog mi?ljenja Aufbruch (1997 (SJM 97/2) i ISSP 1998 (SJM 98/1). Potvr?ena je pretpostavka o mnogo intenzivnijoj vjerskoj djelatnosti sljedbenika pokreta Hare Kri?na, koji su u svom svakodnevnom ?ivotu, gledano sa stajali?ta primjene vjerskih na?ela, prili?no ortodoksni, ?to u suprotnosti s op?im vjerovanjem ne rezultira izrazitom zatvoreno??u Zajednice za svjesnost Kri?ne i njezinom odvojeno??u od okoline i dru?tva op?enito, kao ni nekom natprosje?nom konzervativno??u njezinih pripadnika
Studying Social Aspects of Vegetarianism: A Research Proposal on the Basis of a Survey Among Adult Population of Two Slovenian Biggest Cities
rni, Ale
- , 2013,
Abstract: Sa?etak The article discuses the fundamental characteristics of vegetarianism as a heterogeneous and controversial practice, and tries to asses its scope in contemporary Western world. In the central part it presents the main results of the empirical study of vegetarianism and its perceptions on a representative sample of adult residents of the two largest cities in Slovenia, Ljubljana and Maribor. On this basis, the author proposes a more comprehensive design of quantitative and qualitative research on social aspects of vegetarianism and responses to it
Digital splits: Web culture in Ljubljana and Maribor through class and cultural differentiations
Tanja Oblak ?rni
Dru?boslovne Razprave , 2012,
Abstract: The paper presents an in-depth analysis of the recent ‘divide’ between the digitally rich and the digitally poor that seems to be a new source of social inequality. Based on a quantitative survey on a representative sample of residents in the two biggest Slovenian cities – Ljubljana and Maribor – the author argues that digital culture is not a space of class emancipation, but remains a sphere where the usual social, cultural and class inequalities continue to (re)emerge. While the questions of digital access, shown in three groups of motivational exclusion, intentional self-exclusion and general exclusion, is not a consequence of class divisions, the level of digital inclusion and participation in digital culture are statistically related with class structure and cultural capital. The four different groups of digital audiences – digital poor, digital sceptics, digital mainstream and digital elite – clearly repeat the general inequalities between them on the class level and show specific ways of participation in culture and media consumption. The two digitally weakest groups are on average the most excluded from other cultural practices and the lowest on the class structure, whereas the highest level of high class belongs to the digital elite. The paper therefore argues that digital culture is an intertwined social phenomenon not simply related to an individual’s socio-demographic situation, but is also strongly connected with its class and cultural capital.
Mudan?as no padr?o de uso da m?o-de-obra no Brasil entre 1949 e 2010
rni, Duilio de Avila;
Nova Economia , 2006, DOI: 10.1590/S0103-63512006000100004
Abstract: this article examines the evolution of sectoral employment in brazil between 1949 and 2010, using structural decomposition analysis of the input-output model. the data base was selected from the decennial matrices for the 1959/2000 period and from figures referring to 1949 and 2010; these were obtained using the delphi method. those sectors in which labour productivity rose simultaneously with employment increases were defined as virtuous sectors. the only sectors that fit this description for the entire period were the manufacturing of capital goods and services. virtuosity was observed in a number of cases over the sub-periods, however, mainly concentrated between 1949 and 1970. however, between 1970 and 1980, simultaneous growth in employment and in labour productivity was not observed in any sector.
Mudan as no padr o de uso da m o-de-obra no Brasil entre 1949 e 2010
Duilio de Avila Bêrni
Nova Economia , 2006,
Abstract: This article examines the evolution of sectoral employment in Brazil between 1949 and 2010, using structural decomposition analysis of the input-output model. The data base was selected from the decennial matrices for the 1959/2000 period and from figures referring to 1949 and 2010; these were obtained using the Delphi Method. Those sectors in which labour productivity rose simultaneously with employment increases were defined as virtuous sectors. The only sectors that fit this description for the entire period were the manufacturing of capital goods and services. Virtuosity was observed in a number of cases over the sub-periods, however, mainlly concentrated between 1949 and 1970. However, between 1970 and 1980, simultaneous growth in employment and in labour productivity was not observed in any sector.
Studies of Myxidium giardi Cépède, 1906 infections in Icelandic eels identifies a genetically diverse clade of myxosporeans that represents the Paramyxidium n. g. (Myxosporea: Myxidiidae)
Mark A. Freeman,árni Kristmundsson
- , 2018, DOI: 10.1186/s13071-018-3087-y
Abstract: Measurements of twenty fresh myxospores of Paramyxidium spp., including dimensions from the original description of P. giard
R)evolucija perspektiva o interaktivnosti: od pristupa orijentiranog na medije do pristupa orijentiranog na novinare
Jontes, Dejan,Oblak ?rni, Tanja
- , 2017, DOI: 10.20901/ms.8.15.4
Abstract: Sa?etak Proliferacija novih medija od kasnih 90-ih pokrenula je novi period revitaliziranja koncepta interaktivnosti, ali iz prili?no razli?itih kutova i iz nekoliko perspektiva u empirijskom istra?ivanju. Glavni je cilj ovog rada pokazati razli?ite pristupe kojima istra?iva?i konceptualiziraju, ispituju i analiziraju interaktivnost u podru?ju medijskih studija i novinarstva. Rad pru?a uvid u razli?ita tuma?enja promjena unutar polja i kriti?ki gleda na potencijal toga koncepta. Mi predla?emo razlikovanje triju perspektiva o interaktivnosti na temelju selektivne metaanalize razli?itih pristupa: perspektive orijentirane na komunikaciju i medije, perspektive orijentirane na publiku ili korisnike i perspektive orijentirane na produkciju ili novinare. Ta distinkcija, prema nekoliko autora iz podru?ja medijskih studija i novinarstva, omogu?uje nam da razlikujemo ono ?to se smatra interaktivnim od onoga koga ta interakcija uklju?uje
Quality and Timber Value of European Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) Trees in the Karavanke Region
Kadunc, Ale,Poljanec, Ale
- , 2013,
Abstract: Sa?etak The paper studies the quality of beech trees in the Karavanke mountain range. The data obtained for this study came from the permanent sample plots (here in after PSPs) of the studied area. The timber assortment structure of mature beech trees in stands was calculated on the basis of the estimated quality of a total of 7,154 beech trees from 2,088 plots and a small sample of harvested trees. The established timber assortment structure and the prices of timber ex forest road were then used to determine the value of beech wood. The study showed that the assortment structure was extremely unfavorable, with the share of trees with sliced and peeled veneer quality lower than 1%, and the share of sawlogs totaling 1.6% of the net volume of analyzed trees. The quality is highest in beech trees measuring 50–55 cm in diameter at breast height. Quality values were higher in rejuvenation stands, and in stands with a comparatively high share of fir or a low share of conifers (spruce). The value drops with altitude and inclination and is higher on slope sites. Undamaged trees from higher social layers are also more valuable. Furthermore, beech timber value is positively affected by high harvesting intensity. In dense stands with a basal area exceeding 60–65 m2/ha, the value begins to decline. In order to improve the quality structure of beech stands, beech would have to be grown in beech-dominated clusters or stands, and thinned at the correct time. Particular attention needs to be paid to minimize the damage to dominant trees during harvesting. Quality assessment carried out within the forest inventory enables to assess the stand quality and value potential of forests at different spatial scale. The research has highlighted several possibilities to use quality data in connection with other parameters to enhance the efficiency of forest management

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